Lifting Up Our Communities

The National Black Empowerment Action Fund (NBEAF) is an advocacy organization devoted to the economic, educational, and social uplift of Black communities across the country.

We operate in major hubs of Black political and civic leadership where we hold elected leaders accountable to the communities they serve.

Through education and advocacy, we fight for common-sense policy solutions that empower Black communities to thrive culturally, economically, and educationally.

Our Work

  • Grassroots Engagement and Community-Based Partnerships

    Grassroots engagement is at the heart of what we do. We work with volunteers and community-based organizations to run field campaigns that empower our grassroots army with the tools they need to engage with their elected leaders and fight for policies that improve their daily lives. We partner with local advocates and organizations to host town halls, policy roundtables, and other events on crucial policy questions.

  • Issue Advocacy

    We aren’t afraid to aggressively call out politicians who betray the needs of the communities they serve. We creatively use every tool at our disposal to amplify our messages and activate our supporters around core issues through the media and boots on the ground.

  • Media Engagement

    Media Engagement

    We use our media expertise and our national and local networks to advocate for smart, popular, common-sense policy prescriptions in the press. We shape public opinion through op eds, thought leadership, policy-focused events, and more.

  • Leadership Training and Development

    Leadership Training and Development

    We are committed to finding, cultivating, and supporting the next generation of Black leaders in America. We run policy, public speaking, and advocacy workshops with promising young leaders to maximize their leadership potential.

Where We Work

NBEAF operates in six major metropolitan hubs of Black political, civic, and business leadership.


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